The Speed Squeeze System that can be deployed on coil tubing, jointed pipe or drill pipe in open and cased hole applications with the option to run as many redundant packers top and bottom as wanted onshore and offshore on completions and work-overs.  The Speed Squeeze System allows packers to be spaced any distance apart and the packers can work within wellbore restrictions and seal up to 10000psi differential in acid and proppants applications with rate being applied down the string creating a pressure drop at a nozzle (s) engaging the packers.  Simply stop pumping and the packers disengage with a single string of tools completing a vast amount of stages in a single deployment in a wellbore.     Speed Squeeze System where the rubber meets the road………..

Unlimited Packer Spacing
Unlimited Pumping Parameters
0-60 Open Hole Acid Stages in Under 4 hours
70 ICDs Treated / Cleaned in under 14 hours
30 Perf Cluster Restims in Under 5 hours

The Speed Squeeze is currently involved in field operations in the North Sea, SE Asia, MENA, the US, and Canada and has been used in over 1000 wells to date.




No need to run a liner or have external casing packers, lowering your investment in your well.

Configurable Stage spacing ensures optimal reservoir contact and optimizes your stimulation.

Efficient Acid Stimulation and movement between stages is typically less than 10 minutes.

Able to be deployed either with a service rig or with Coil tubing providing options for your stimulation.

Increased number of stages can be completed economically.

Able to deploy the tools in sections to work with limited lubricator height or mast unit height.

Pressure Packers able to withstand the effects of 28% HCL and multiple sets in a well bore (up to 60 have been recorded)


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